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Special Bulletin. The Cubs Win and the Election Looms

Well, they finally did it!

As every reader must know by now, The Chicago Cubs ended 108 years of frustration by winning the World Series on Wednesday night. They defeated the Cleveland Indians in a 10-inning struggle that has been called epic but could also be described as a bit goofy. The game and the Series have been widely covered, so I will add only a few personal comments.Read More »Special Bulletin. The Cubs Win and the Election Looms

Guest Blog. The Donald J. Trump Foundation: Why Should We Care?

One of the collateral effects of the focus on Donald Trump’s treatment of women has been to distract attention from several other problematic aspects of his candidacy, including the Trump Foundation. Shortly before the disclosure of the 2005 Trump video tape, we had asked a friend of long standing, Suzanne Garment, to write a guest blog on the subject of the Trump Foundation, a subject that we believe deserves renewed consideration. (The Clinton Foundation has raised serious issues, but rather different ones, which we hope to address in a separate blog).

Suzanne Garment is a tax lawyer who has specialized in foundation work in recent years. She is also the author of Scandal: The Culture of Mistrust in American Politics, and for several years wrote a weekly column, “Capitol Chronicle” in the Wall Street Journal.

Read More »Guest Blog. The Donald J. Trump Foundation: Why Should We Care?

Blog No. 116. Standing With Paul Ryan and the Way Forward

On Monday, Speaker Paul Ryan told House members that he would not defend Donald Trump or campaign with him, and that members should act in their own best interests in their individual districts. Ryan did not withdraw his previous endorsement of Trump, but to many that seemed more a matter of form than substance. Ryan’s statements produced an angry reaction from hardliners in the House and, inevitably, a farrago of pre-dawn cyberbabble from the would be Tweeter-in-Chief:Read More »Blog No. 116. Standing With Paul Ryan and the Way Forward