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Michael Bloomberg

Blog No. 93 Catching Up: The Primaries, Justice Scalia and Apple

Since our last blog, there have been several notable events worthy of comment: the primaries in New Hampshire and South Carolina and the  caucuses in Nevada, the death of Justice Scalia, and the dispute between the FBI and Apple. By way of getting caught up, we will offer brief comments on each and may return with more extended analysis in a later blog.Read More »Blog No. 93 Catching Up: The Primaries, Justice Scalia and Apple

Blog No. 92. The Bloomberg Toe and the Clinton and Sanders Pas De Deux

Blog 92 Bloomberg toeMichael Bloomberg recently put a toe in the political waters by letting it be known that he was considering a race for president in 2016 as an Independent. According to a story in The New York Times, Bloomberg is unhappy with a possible choice of candidates between Donald Trump or Ted Cruz as the Republican nominee, and Bernie Sanders the Democratic opponent.Read More »Blog No. 92. The Bloomberg Toe and the Clinton and Sanders Pas De Deux