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Blog No. 241. For Amy Klobuchar

I have joined four other residents of Ojai, California in forming a Bipartisan Committee to elect Amy Klobuchar.

As most readers know, I am a lifelong Republican who served in the Nixon and Ford administrations. While I have differed with the Party on various issues, I am a Republican and remain one today, albeit a “Republican in exile” during the current administration. I have believed for some time that, for the good of the Republican Party and, more important, for the good of the country, it is essential that Donald Trump be defeated in 2020. That is a view held by many prominent conservatives including Bret Stephens, George Will, Jennifer Rubin, Max Boot and Bill Kristol, to name a few. And a fellow member of our Ojai Committee is Sandy Treadwell, former Secretary of State of New York under Governor George Pataki and former Chairman of the New York Republican Party.

For NeverTrump Republicans, it is not enough to sit back and hope for a credible challenger in the Republican primaries or for a third party, and await whatever candidate, however extreme, might emerge from the Democratic selection process. Rather, it is our responsibility to try to influence that process by supporting the Democratic candidate who has the best chance of not only defeating Donald Trump, but becoming a successful president, a leader who  not only claims the goal of uniting the country, but who combines the experience, temperament and energy to do so. I believe that candidate is Senator Amy Klobuchar.

Certain of the Democratic candidates spend much of their time being angry. While it can be argued that there is much to be angry about, wall to wall anger is not the road to election nor to national unity. Amy Klobuchar knows that. She has strong views and articulates them clearly, but anger is not what fuels her campaign. Nor is ideology. Rather she is driven by a determination to find practical solutions to our real problems–even enlisting the help of Republicans whenever possible.

In forming the Committee, Sandy Treadwell and I joined with three distinguished—and pragmatic—Democrats:

  • JOHN BROESAMLE has written or coauthored 8 books on American political and social history, including Reform and Reaction in Twentieth Century American Politics and, most recently, How American Presidents Succeed and Why They Fail: From Richard Nixon to Barack Obama. He holds a Ph.D. from Columbia and was a member of the Cal State Northridge history department for 34 years.
  • JUDITH HALE NORRIS has served as Co-Director, Investor Advocacy Clinic at Pepperdine Law School, Vice President & Western Regional Director of FINRA Dispute Resolution, Chief Staff Counsel for the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, and Assistant U.S. Attorney for the District of Massachusetts.
  • RANDY ROTH ran a DC based public sector consulting practice with clients in the US, the Middle East, the former USSR, Australia and North Africa. He advised clients on such issues as financial management, program accountability and transparency. He has advanced degrees from Harvard University and the London School of Economics.

The Committee is sponsoring an event on November 20 which will include watching the Democratic Debate. Local residents are being invited to attend and to learn more about Senator Klobuchar’s record and vision for the future. We have also created a Facebook page, which includes the following statement:

         Two of us are Republicans, three are Democrats. Despite coming from different parties, we agree that the best candidate for President is AMY KLOBUCHAR.

         We believe the urgent, overriding priority in 2020 is to elect a new President. The Trump Administration has undermined our democracy and America’s role in the world.

         This goal—restoring normality—will be a huge agenda in and of itself. It means filling in a very deep pit. To try to go beyond this with overly ambitious projects would be divisive as well as distracting, further undermining confidence in our democracy.

         Amy Klobuchar is an instinctive moderate. Her goals are focused on core issues, are thought through, have funding mechanisms, and stand a prospect of enactment. They include: Achieving net carbon neutrality by 2050. Passing comprehensive, balanced immigration reform. Reducing child poverty by half over the coming decade. Adding a public option to Obamacare. Banning assault weapons and high-capacity magazines. And, crucially, restoring American respect and trust around the world by keeping faith with our allies.

         Amy Klobuchar has the right personal characteristics to succeed as President. Unlike the incumbant, as well as several prominent Democratic candidates, she is not angry. She is energetic. She is widely respected for her practical common sense. She has twelve years’ experience in the United States Senate and has an enviable legislative record distinguished for crossing party lines. Amy does not carry personal baggage, and she avoids committing unforced errors. Just think of her on a debate stage with Donald Trump!

         Because Republicans and Democrats like us can unite around Amy, we think she offers the best hope for reunifying a very dangerously divided country. For Republicans who are dismayed by the Trump Administration, Klobuchar offers the opportunity of supporting a moderate while awaiting better times in their own party. She embraces the fiscal conservatism and foreign policy values that are traditional Republican hallmarks, however much they have been abandoned by the current administration. Experience and temperament comparable to Amy’s have characterized successful presidents of both parties.

I urge all readers to consider Senator Klobuchar’s candidacy and, if you agree with my assessment of her qualifications and promise for the future, make an appropriate contribution at And consider joining or forming an Amy Klobuchar Committee in your own community.

5 thoughts on “Blog No. 241. For Amy Klobuchar”

  1. I share the many views expressed by Doug in his support of Senator Klobuchar and the esteem contributors that responded to blog 141 and Doug’s endorsement. I would like to add that the nominee be one of two senators in my party, Senators Amy Klobuchar and Cory Booker, and that either one run on the top of the ticket, and the other as VP.
    I like the balance, energy and center left both represent.

  2. Amy is indeed an excellent candidate and I believe would be a fine president. I also think she will garner more support during the grueling primary season. If people are, as I hope, fed up with Trump, Amy should be a very welcome change.

  3. Robert Singer, Ph.D.

    Doug- Out here on our island (Cape Cod) in the Atlantic, we don’t hear much about Klobuchar. The tilt at present seems to go to Warren by our friends. After all, she is from Massachusetts. However, that being said, I for one will forward your blog to everyone on my list and keep my eye on your subversive tactics!

  4. I could not agree with you more, Doug, that defeating Donald Trump is of paramount importance. I also agree that the “angry” candidates are not the answer. Some of them may play well with the liberal Democrat faithful, but the general electorate will not buy the pipe dreams they peddle.

    Is Amy Klobuchar the answer? I am not yet convinced, but she is one of the moderate pragmatists I am keeping my eye on. I also am watching “Little Michael” Bloomberg, the guy whose bank account is seventeens times bigger than Trump’s, according to Forbes. No wonder Donald hates him! I was living in the New York City suburbs while Bloomberg was mayor. He got off to a rough start, but he did a pretty good job.

    May the best moderate, whoever he or she is, win!!

  5. It is refreshing to find mindful, informed voters with the personal and professional credentials to weigh in with credibility on an election that will directly and immediately impact the health and well-being of our communities, our nation, and the world at large. That the five of you, who represent together the entire political spectrum, arrived independently at the same conclusion – that Senator Klobuchar is the one to beat Donald Trump and restore order to our democracy and to the Republican Party – is telling in and of itself. Bravo and thank you for your dedication to this issue.

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