I knew Jim Brady before he was famous. Just forty years ago, we were both working at the Department of Housing and Urban Development (where I had sought refuge after concluding that I was no longer comfortable serving in the White House Counsel’s office). Jim held the number two position in Public Affairs and was located across the hall from my office as Deputy General Counsel.
Jim and I did not have much occasion to interact in our work, but we became acquainted on a social basis. I remember, in particular, lunches at Danker’s, a nearby restaurant and saloon where Jim introduced me, at some modest cost, to Liars’ Poker. Brady had a wry, sometimes acerbic, sometimes ribald, wit, but he had another side as well. I recall being surprised one day to hear that he had required his entire staff to read Jonathan Livingston Seagull. That book, as older readers of RINOcracy.com will recall, was a popular book of the seventies, a fantasy about a seagull that carried powerful messages of personal development and spiritual inspiration. Whether, and if so how, the book made the public affairs office at HUD more effective, I never knew. But it was perhaps a glimpse of the qualities that would sustain Jim Brady in the years following his devastating personal tragedy.
In 1974, I had no clue that Brady would, only a few years later, rise to the eminent position of Presidential Press Secretary for Ronald Reagan, but when the appointment was announced, I was delighted for my former colleague. Jim thrived in the position, but his enjoyment of it did not last long, Less than three months later, the attempt to assassinate President Reagan left Jim grievously wounded: he nearly died and would remain severely disabled by his wounds for the rest of his life. The entire nation was stunned by the event, but for me the personal connection made it just that bit more horrific and hard to take in.
As we all now realize, the story of Jim Brady did not end with his terrible shooting, but in a sense began with it. Despite his daunting disabilities, Jim and his tireless wife Sarah would lead the fight for gun control for decades. Their most notable success was passage, after a six-year struggle, of the Brady Act, requiring background checks and a waiting period for gun sales by licensed dealers. Jim’s wit, as well as his indomitable nature, was captured in a quote that appears in the stories of his death in both The New York Times and The Washington Post. The gun lobby had opposed the Brady bill on several grounds, among them that any waiting period would inconvenience legitimate gun buyers. In testimony before the Senate, Brady noted: “I need help getting out of bed, help taking a shower, and help getting dressed, and — damn it — I need help going to the bathroom…. I guess I’m paying for their convenience.”
Over the years, Jim and Sarah Brady sponsored or supported a variety of other gun control measures. I did not need the spur of an old friendship to support the measures—they were all sensible. Nevertheless, pitted against the power of the NRA and its enablers, the Bradys saw more defeats than victories. But they never gave up, and that is the final point. Vitally important as gun control was and remains, Jim’s life transcends even that. It is compelling testimony to the resilience of the human spirit, and it should be an enduring source of inspiration for all who are seriously afflicted.
Very well said, Douglas. A sad example of our “American Experience.” Tom
Thank you Doug for sharing your story about Jim Brady and your experiences of the Reagan administration era. I feel privileged to be included in your circle.
Incidentally, I know Richard Bach, the author of “Jonathan Livingston Seagull”. He lives here on Orcas Island and continues to write. His latest book is about his near death experience when he crashed his small amphibian airplane and his experiences with the long recovery from his injuries. I will pass along to him your story of the required reading of his “JSL”, he will appreciate knowing that if he does not already.
Thanks, Jake, for a fascinating epilogue
What a touching and eloquent tribute. Jim Brady’s humor and civility will be greatly missed in a town sorely lacking both.
What a beautiful and eloquent tribute, Doug. And so richly deserved. It is especially sad to lose yet another voice for civility, integrity and humane perspective in a body politic beoming so increasingly coarse and conflicted. Your own voice remains all the more critical to be heard.
There are so few people in this life who affect us in a profound way. You were privileged to know Jim Brady and have written a lovely tribute to him. May his work not be lost by the ever selfish NRA.
DP……I had similar feelings about you when you got ” that job” at the White House……and we knew it was true when we visited you in your royal suite !!!When will you be revisiting the NRA with your solutions??????????? bkb
For Wayne LaPierre, lying and/or skirting the Brady Bill for the NRA means never having to say your sorry.
“There are causes worth dying for, but none worth killing for.”
Albert Camus
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