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Reflections on being a Cubs fan and a former Republican and this year’s pivotal midterms (Revised Format)

I learned today that the link to my op-ed in the Chicago Tribune did not work for some readers. Since it is still timely, I am providing the complete text below (lacking only the Trib’s illustration).

3 thoughts on “Reflections on being a Cubs fan and a former Republican and this year’s pivotal midterms (Revised Format)”

  1. Doug: I would like Pres.Biden to issue an order stating that all documents seized from D.Trump , and all documents in his possession or under his control, which carry any classification markings are hereby reclassified back to the classification reflected by those markings.It could also include a statement saying that the reason for this order is to rescind any purported declassification done under the authority of D.Trump when he was President. The word “purported” should be heavily emphasized.

    What do you think of this idea?It would give the special master clarity about all the documents, and get them back to DOJ. If you think it is a good idea, to whom should it be forwarded so that it gets considered? Thank you. Alan Saltzman

  2. Well, I think you made the right decisions in politics and baseball. My mother used to go to Yankee Stadium with her father as a child, and never missed a World Series during the entire time I was growing up. A time when we had three great teams in my native state of New York: the Yankees, the Dodgers, and the Giants. We loved them all. The mid-terms will be close but not Armageddon. Besides, I”ll be taking my new grandson, Raoul, to see the rhinoceros at the zoo.

  3. Douglas – A conservative Democrat is AOK, May thousands of you appear, Your comments are good. You are vindicated. Best, T

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