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Trump New Low Tracker. Bulletin No. I

We have often seen some action, comment or tweet by Donald Trump described as a “new low.” How many new lows have there been? How many can there be? No one has tried to collect them all, but is inaugurating, as a special feature, the Trump New Low Tracker. New Lows will be posted as they occur and, at the end of the year, a Trump New Low of the Year will be selected. Readers are invited to submit their own nominations.

The Tracker will not reach back in history to tap into the rich lode of past New Lows, but will start afresh with Trump’s tweet on the death of Jeffrey Epstein. In this case, Trump retweeted a tweet by the comedian Terrence K. Williams claiming that Epstein was murdered because “he had information on Bill Clinton.” As David Frum wrote in the Atlantic 

Accusing a former U.S. president of murder? It’s incredible, it’s appalling, it’s humiliating … but, yes, he is the president all the same.

Trump’s circle probably expects the world to sputter for a while and then be distracted by some new despicable statement or act. That is how it has gone for nearly three years, and that is how it is likely still to go. Trump is steering the U.S. and the world into a trade war, and perhaps a financial crisis and recession along with it. He is wrecking the structure of U.S. alliances in Asia, and his rhetoric is inciting shooting rampages against minorities. Compared with that, mere slurs and insults perhaps weigh lighter in the crushing Dumpster-load of Trump’s output of unfitness for the office he holds.

But it shouldn’t be forgotten, either, in the onrush of events. The certainty that Trump will descend ever deeper into subbasements of “new lows” after this new low should not numb us to its newness and lowness.

Stay tuned.

5 thoughts on “Trump New Low Tracker. Bulletin No. I”

  1. Trump’s latest outrage: pressure Netanyahu to deny a Congressional delegation, three vocal critics, all women of color, admission to Israel. A blatant violation of the separation of powers.

  2. Lower than the cesspool he has made Washington – and with it our politics – into? Mon Dieu, c’est impossible!!
    I’ll stay tuned.
    As a side-bar: why this obsession with Clinton – Bill and/or Hillary. Will it never stop?

  3. “Sticks and stones may bepreak my bones, but names will never hurt me! “. ( Well maybe sometimes they do.)

  4. LOL Why am I laughing, Doug? This is serious. All I can think of is Abraham Lincoln’s response to that question after stubbing his toe: “it hurts so much, but I’m too old to cry.”

    At first I thought you were going to start a contest on How Low Can He Go? Maybe that can be a sub-category.

  5. The New Low No. 1 introduces new possibilities to discuss new lows from many political participants in current news. That openness could be refreshing. The Donald is known as a counter puncher against his detractors who strike first. Who are the initiators of the first punch? We’ll see.

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