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Update to “Blog No. 188. Why I Am Supporting Katie Hill (and You Should Too)”

Blog No. 188 urged support of Katie Hill, a candidate for Congress in California’s 25th District. Now the Chief Technical Officer and Art Director of, Heather Parker, and her partner Jillian Boyd, are having a fundraising brunch for Katie on August 26 at their home in Lake Balboa, California. Readers are cordially invited to attend. But if geography makes that inconvenient, and you are so inclined, you may make a contribution as indicated in the invitation here. (If you decide to make a contribution, you might let Heather know at

1 thought on “Update to “Blog No. 188. Why I Am Supporting Katie Hill (and You Should Too)””

  1. At Doug’s urging, my husband (Mike Smith) just made a donation to Katie Hill’s campaign, but I’d also like to share good news with “progressive Republicans” who despair that there’s any hope for their ilk:

    BOB FLANDERS, my college classmate (Brown 1971), has won the GOP nomination to challenge Dem Senator Whitehead for the US Senate in Rhode Island, and deserves your consideration.
    Bob came from a blue-collar background and worked at manual-labor jobs to help pay for college, while playing QB for the Brown football team and being elected to Phi Beta Kappa; after graduation from Brown, Bob played minor-league baseball in the Detroit Tigers farm-system to help pay his way through Harvard Law School.
    Bob went on to a successful career in private law practice and to become a judge on the RI Supreme Court (among other accomplishments).
    Bob is candid in articulating Pres. Trump’s shortcomings, and assures that he is in no-way a Trump acolyte, nor even a Mitch McConnell rubber-stamper. He says he is motivated to run for the US Senate by his desire to address real problems (infrastructure, health care, immigration) by working in good faith on a BI-PARTISAN bases to achieve reasonable solutions.

    I just sent Bob a donation…hope you’ll consider doing so too. Please check him out at http://www.flandersforsenate,com/


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