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Blog No. 186. Helsinki: The Donald Meets Vlad the Impaler A CORRECTED LINK

Blog No. 186 referred to, and provided a link for, a column by Ross Douthat, “Trump and Russia: One Mystery, Three Theories”

For unknown reasons, the link did not function, so it has been replaced here (in the Browser version) and in the text of the blog. The column is an excellent analysis of possible Trump motivations and is recommended to readers.

2 thoughts on “Blog No. 186. Helsinki: The Donald Meets Vlad the Impaler A CORRECTED LINK”

  1. I like Ross’s piece but disagree that we need to know Trump’s motive to measure his disgraceful behavior in Europe last week, to wit: his attack on our major allies and support for Putin’s lies. As we lawyers say, res ips loquitor (the thing speaks for itself). Trump is a liar and scoundrel, unworthy of the presidency, any way you look at it. More importantly, he is harming our country at home and abroad in ways we cannot yet fully know.

  2. Good article but I think Ross has applied the wrong percentage to the third proposition I think it is more likely than not that this is the reason this is all happening. Trump has been laundering eastern money for years

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