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A Brief Pause and an Invitation

I will be traveling for the next three weeks, so there will be a brief pause in For anyone who feels a gap in his or her cyber inbox, I would recommend that you fill it by reading Jennifer Rubin’s excellent blog in the Washington Post. Ms Rubin is a prolific and thoughtful writer who, as it happens, is generally on the same page as

I would also take this opportunity to issue a invitation. Regular readers will know that I have had a consistently negative view of Donald Trump from the outset. I know that some readers have a more positive view of the President although they do not, for most part, submit comments. I feel no obligation to be “balanced” in my analyses, but I recognize the value in hearing conflicting or opposing views. Therefore, my invitation is for readers with a favorable view of Donald Trump to submit blogs explaining their support for him (such as “Why I Support Donald Trump and You Should Too”). Writers may approach the subject however they wish but I would urge them to focus on policy issues such as Trade (including, e.g., NAFTA, TPP and tariffs on China), Immigration (e.g., travel ban, DACA and the border wall), Environment and Climate Change (e.g. Paris Accord and repeal of EPA regulations), Abortion, Tax Policy, Healthcare, Foreign Policy (North Korea, Iran, Syria). That list is not exhaustive, nor should writers attempt to comment on every issue mentioned but, rather, should pick the ones most important to them. There is no strict limit as to length, but as a guideline I would suggest pointing for 750 words or less.

If there are submissions, I will review them upon my return and post them individually or in a group.

Doug Parker

4 thoughts on “A Brief Pause and an Invitation”

  1. Ruth McKendree Treen (fka Wise)

    “Dr. Seuss” has expressed my feelings succinctly on my coffee mug:
    “I do not like
    your lying ways
    I do not like
    your hate for gays
    I do not like
    your grabbing rump
    I do not like
    You Mr.Trump.”

  2. I welcome the invitation to say positive things about The Donald, a nickname to soften the vitriolic reaction to the word “Trump.” Now the “Impeach him” and “Russian collusion” have run out of steam, and the President has successes to report to the public, we can discuss the issues that really matter in a civilized manner without CNN spewing out a negative, debasing slant on every day events. I bet they would choke on their microphones if The Donald could end the Korean War and denucularize the Korean Peninsula.

  3. Thanks, Doug, hope you have a pleasant time. I agree that debate is healthy in principle but most assuredly will have nothing good to say about Mr Trump. Does he have “policies?” I have yet to hear him articulate an intelligent sentence.

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